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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Living In Alignment with Spiritual Truth

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Notes from our movement's 2016 theme: The Global Vision, which is a vision of a healthy loving world in which people live in alignment with their highest spiritual truth.  Ernest Holmes wrote ““When we learn to trust the Universe, we shall be happy, prosperous and well…God is always God. No matter what our emotional storm, or what our objective situation, may be, there is always something hidden in the inner being that has never been violated.  We may stumble, but always there is that Eternal Voice, forever whispering within our ear, that thing which causes the eternal quest, that thing which forever sings and sings.”  The Science of Mind, pg. 33 

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In Science of Mind, we embrace the understanding that God/Sprit/Life has taken on unique and individual form in and as each of us as well as in all the things of creation.  The Infinite One, known by many names, has become that which we are.  And rather than thinking of ourselves as two things – human and divine – we realize that we are The Thing Itself – Spirit – right here on earth. While the various aspects of our being play in our awareness and expression, we come to realize that we are not merely human beings having a human experience on earth, or even spiritual beings having a human experience, we are spiritual beings having a spiritual experience right here in the world of form. There is only one thing going on -- God/Spirit/Life. 

Join me in affirming this week “I open my entire being today to the reality of God/Spirit/Life as that which I am. I live in alignment with my highest spiritual truth and know that I am a blessing in the world.”  

I invite you to post this affirmation on the social media of your choice and tag it with the tags #TheGlobalVision and #AWorldThatWorksForEveryone

Edward Viljoen

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Reverend Dr. Edward! What a beautiful being you are!


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