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Monday, December 15, 2014

How We React Is The Secret To Our Freedom

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Only those thoughts can enter my mentality which I allow to enter
SOM pp. 518

The seven blind men who gave seven different descriptions of the elephant were all right from their respective points of view.
Mohandas K. Gandhi

            We are subject to an avalanche of raw information every moment of our life.  A barrage of stimuli which evokes reactions of different kinds from each of us.  If we were to pause in life to examine those things which elicit in us a “negative” reaction, we would undoubtedly find that we have transferred much of the meaning from within ourselves, onto the subject in question.

            Surely this does not mean that we are responsible for the state of the world we perceive?  In the sense we are.  For we are free to react to the information that we receive any way we wish.  Every moment, we interpret, organize, and store our experiences and out of that field of experience, our lives are projected.

            Being able then to react any way we desire is then the secret to our freedom in life.  We are able to name an event good, bad or anything else.  However, the true nature of our experience is easy to determine when we ask of the Divine Intelligence withing, “How is God present in this thing before me?”

I open my heart to the experience of Life.  I inquire deeply into all that transpires in this day, looking to see the evidence of God’s hand on my affairs.  I declare with each breath that all is well in my world and I embrace the Truth in that affirmation in all my affairs. I give thanks for my life and all that is in it.

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