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Friday, August 31, 2012

How A Bold Instructor Taught Me To Breath Underwater

I discovered an old notebook from one of my early trips to Bali in 2004.  It caused me to be excited about the upcoming journey in 2013 with the community in Palm Desert, CA to Bali again.  The customs experience is much improved now; nevertheless, it was interesting to visit the memory of our early trip.

"The Bali Hyatt is beautiful.  Our guide, Ketut (John) picked us up at the airport where the customs experience was interesting.  It took us over one hour to get through and all the while waiting bold signs reminded travelers ominously that the penalty for drug or arms trafficking is death.  Once through, travelers are preyed upon by airport porters who assume an official posture encouraging passengers to think they are being singled out by officers on official business.  What they are trying to do is carry the luggage and get a tip.  At the hotel we decompressed by walking on the clean and serene beach and then through the town of Sanur. We ate at Ketut's recommended restaurant where I suggested Chris have the traditional Nasi Goreng, fried rice, fried egg, satay, sometimes fried chicken.  Chris would later call this Nasty Goreng, because I ordered it all the time, and not because
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Friday, August 17, 2012

Why converging views can bring you to tears!

A long time friend and member of our community recently wrote to me about an experience that literally made her misty-eyed. In the fourth stanza of a hymn, this baptized Lutheran, now metaphysical student, got choked up when she read the words that were also sung at a national prayer breakfast in 2007, lead by keynote speaker, Dr. Francis S. Collins, Director of the Human Genome Project. The words that moved her are these: 'Till converging they deliver one coherent steady flow and they are referring to the coming together of faith and learning for a more complete understanding of reality.

Thank you Jane, for the lyrics of Thomas Troeger's Praise the Source of Faith and Learning:

Praise the source of faith and learning
that has sparked and stoked the mind
With a passion for discerning
how the world has been designed.
Let the sense of wonder flowing
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