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Sunday, November 30, 2008

O die pyn-gedagte - Totius

O Die pyn-gedagte: My kind is dood! . . .
dit brand soos 'n pyl in my.
Die mense sien daar niks nie van,
en die Here alleen die weet wat ek ly.

Die dae kom en die nagte gaan
die skadu's word lank en weer kort;
die drywerstem van my werk weerklink,
en ek gaan op my kruisweg voort.

Maar daar skiet aldeur 'n pyn in my hart,
so, dat my lewe se glans verdwyn;
Jou kind is dood met 'n vreeslike dood!
En – ek gryp my bors van die pyn.

O Die bliksemgedagte! . . . Ja, lieflingskind,
een straal het jou skone liggaam verskroei,
maar bliksemstrale sonder tal
laat my binneste brand en bloei.

Sy was so teer soos 'n vlindertjie,
sy't lugtig omheen geswerf;
'n asempie wind kon haar vlerkies breek
en – kyk watter dood moes sy sterf!

Hoe weinig die kinders wat so moet sterf,
dis een uit die tienduisend-tal,
en ag, dat dit sy was, en ek moes sien
dat sy dood in my arms val!

O Die pyn-gedagte: My kind is dood! . . .
dit brand soos 'n pyl in my;
die mense die sien daar niks nie van,
en die Here alleen die weet wat ek ly.

Oh the painful thought: my child is dead!
It burns like an arrow in me…
People don’t see any of it
And only the Lord, He knows how I suffer.

Days come and nights go
Shadows grow tall and short again
Behind me, the echo of my work’s moving spirit;
and I… continue my way of the cross

But then, a pain shoots through my heart!
so much so that that the brilliance of my life disappears;
Your child is dead with a terrible death
And I clench my chest with the pain…

Oh the thunderbolt-thought!….yes, beloved child!
One flash of lightning scorched your tender body,
But thunderbolts without number
Leave me to burn and bleed

She was so tender, like a butterfly …
She glided lightly about;
The tiniest breath of wind could have damaged her wings
And -- look, what a death she had to die

How few the children who must so die
One in ten thousand count
And oh, that is was she, and I should see
That she died in my arms.

Oh the painful thought: my child is dead!
It burns like as arrow in me…
People don’t see any of it
And only the Lord, He knows how I suffer.

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ernest Said

We wish to affirm relativity without destroying Absoluteness. This can be done only by realizing that the relative is not a thing apart from, but is an experience in, the All-Comprehending Mind. The relative does not contradict the Absolute, but affirms It; and the relative alone guarantees that there is an Absolute.

The Absolute is Cause, the relative is effect; the Absolute depends upon Itself, being Self-Existent; the relative must depend upon the Absolute.

We should be careful not to deny the relative, simply because it is not absolute. To suppose that there could be an Absolute without a relative, would be to suppose that there could be an unexpressed God or First Cause; this is unthinkable and impossible. The Consciousness of God must be expressed, hence the relative. The relative is not apart from, but is in the Absolute; and, as such, it is perfectly good and necessary. Time, space, outline, form, change, movement, action and reaction, manifestation and creation, all are relative; but all are real.
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Friday, November 28, 2008

Community News: At The Center

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

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OK Go - Here It Goes Again

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Writings of Ernest Holmes: What Ernest Said

The universal Mind contains all knowledge. It is the potential ultimate of all things. To it, all things are possible.
Ernest Holmes

The universe must exist for the self-expression of God and the delight of God.
Ernest Holmes

There was a time when a man was so convinced that the world was round that he was determined to prove it.
Ernest Holmes

To believe in a just law of cause and effect, carrying with it a punishment or a reward, is to believe in righteousness.
Ernest Holmes

We can no more do without spirituality than we can do without food, shelter, or clothing.
Ernest Holmes

When prayer removes distrust and doubt and enters the field of mental certainty, it becomes faith; and the universe is built on faith.
Ernest Holmes

More Articles click here

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Monday, November 24, 2008

India Part 3 of 4

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Part 2 of 4 - India

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India Part One of Four

Parts 3 - 4 on YouTube - search for Edwardviljoen
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Saturday, November 22, 2008


Man attracts what he is. The art of life is to sustain the feeling of the
wish fulfilled and let things come to you, not to go after them or think they
flee away. Neville:"Awakened Imagination", 49,6

...we attract to us what we first become.. SM 298,1
Do not will or try to compel things to happen. Things happen by an immutable
law and you do not need to energize the Essence of Being. SM 489,3

We live in a culture that is based upon the contention that for us to have
what we want we must go out and GET IT. Work hard and eventually, if you're
fortunate, you'll achieve your goal, you'll get what you want. I don't dispute
that, but as we move deeper into metaphysics a new method begins to emerge for
achieving our desires. That is, claim it, believe it, accept it.....and "it"
comes to you. Just as Neville wrote: "....sustain the feeling of the wish
fulfilled and let things come to you....". THAT really appeals to me, since I'd
rather not have to struggle and work hard to get what I want. I know that struggle
is not the way to do it, but, sad to say, I don't have a 100% batting average.
However, I'm working on it. <G> Holmes goes so far, on page 489,3, to say we
are to L-E-T things happen. How many times have we claimed what we want and
then find ourselves pushing or straining, so our desires will manifest. The only
results we get are mental and physical fatigue, plus great disappointment. I
speak from experience, sad to say, but I'm improving......I knew you'd like to
hear that.

So, with all that in mind.....

There is ONE Power, ONE Intelligence, ONE Creative Genius which is ever
present and ever active. Since It listens and responds to my every thought, I now
realize that I can direct Its activity in a way that pleases and serves me.
This is not conceit, but It is the Divine Plan that is designed for anyone to use
and experience. It is the Gift of God to Its Creation. We ARE to use it for
our pleasure, for our life.

Believing that, I now command this Creative Genius to cause Peace, Joy, and
Abundant Supply to manifest for all peoples of this planet. Whatever needs are
present, those needs are to be met immediately and accurately. Believing that
as descendants of this Genius we are to live in Peace and Joy, and to have our
needs and desires provided according to our beliefs, I claim that each one of
us now finds it easy to believe, to accept, and to enjoy the Limitless
Generosity of that which we call God. Furthermore, I command the Intelligence to
reveal to all of us the truth of ourselves in such a way that we can understand
and accept our own remarkable abilities and the supply that the One Power has
already created for us. No one is left out. No one is limited. We ARE that
Genius manifesting in us. Whatever we desire is quickly and easily supplied,
without any effort on our part, other than to LET this Power work for us!

I am thankful for this Truth and for those who brought this wisdom to us, so
that we can learn about It, and enjoy Its limitless benefits.

It is so, always!!
Love to all, Ruth Wilkerson
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What Ernest Said...

But even in the Christian religion, much of its real meaning is hidden by words that are misleading and symbols that but few understand.
Ernest Holmes

Each one of us is an outlet to God and an inlet to God.
Ernest Holmes

God gives some more than others because some accept more than others.
Ernest Holmes

I do not believe that God has imposed suffering upon anyone to punish them or to teach them a lesson.
Ernest Holmes

In principle the great religions of the world do not differ as much as they appear to.
Ernest Holmes

Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.
Ernest Holmes

Prayer is a thought, a belief, a feeling, arising within the mind of the one praying.
Ernest Holmes

Teach and practice, practice and teach - that is all we have; that is all we are good for; that is all we ever ought to do.
Ernest Holmes
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Prayer for Ministers

I witnessed the majesty of the Divine in the awe-inspiring sunset this
evening. The light show of colors beyond human description proclaimed
Beauty, Power, and Grace. I felt the inner shift from the busyness of
the day and simply breathed in the moment. In this holy moment, I
remember how peaceful it is to stop and behold the Beloved and behold the
Beloved in me.
In this holy moment of inseparable Oneness, I spread my web of love to
all who need special care today. For every minister who is tending to
the countless details of ministry, while juggling births, deaths, classes
and counseling, I affirm the inner awareness of the Power Within that
does the work. For every spiritual community that is facing challenges
in attendance, finances, identity, or involvement, I affirm clarity of
purpose and Wholeness.
My eyes are turned to the Light, my heart vibrates to the sweetness of
Love and my mind is soothed in the Truth that God is in the details. I
gently surrender any remaining resistance to Good. With a smile I know
all is well.

In Light and Love,
Cheri Jensen
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008


There is a greater need to extinguish arrogance than a blazing fire.

Your character is your destiny.

The most beautiful order is a heap of sweepings piled up at random.

Things love to conceal their true nature.

Lovers of wisdom must open their minds to very many things.

That which opposes produces a benefit.

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Sunday, November 16, 2008


by Emily Perl Kingsley

I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability -- to try to help people who have not shared the unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It's like this ...When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip -- to Italy. You buy a bunch of guidebooks and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. Michelangelo's "David." The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting.After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands.

The flight attendant comes and says, "Welcome to Holland." you say. "What do you mean, Holland? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy."But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay.

The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a different place.

So you must go out and buy new guidebooks. You must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.It's just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around, and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills, Holland has tulips, Holland even has Rembrandts.

But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy, and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there.

And for the rest of your life, you will say, "Yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned."And the pain of that will never, ever, ever go away, because the loss of that dream is a very significant loss.

But if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things about Holland.

From Dear Abbey:
For information about Down syndrome, and to be put in touch with local Down syndrome organizations, write to the National Down Syndrome Congress, 7000 Peachtree-Dunwoody Road NE, Building 5, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30328-1655. Its hotline -- (800) 232-NDSC (6372) -- also offers a wealth of information on any subject related to Down syndrome. A telephone call can provide you with that difficult-to-find information or assist you in establishing contact with other parents of children with Down syndrome. The Web site is: www.ndsccenter.org.

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Future Two Story Atrium

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Csl Seattle

Social Hall
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Csl Seattle
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Dr Petra Weldes

To visit Dr. Petra Weldes' blog click here
The photo above is on a field trip to a Center in Seattle, we were on the way to the visit the new infant room

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Csl Seattle

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From Upstairs

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Seattle CSL
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New Sanctuary

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Csl Seattle

New Concierge Area
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New CSL Seattle

Kathianne Lewis and Christian Sorenson
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Monday, November 10, 2008

Veterans Day, by Evan Dow-Williamson

Good morning, my name is Evan Dow-Williamson, a member of the Center for Spiritual Living and part of our Young Adult Group.

This Tuesday, November 11th, will be the 90th anniversary of Armistice Day. An armistice is a situation where warring parties agree to stop fighting. This day was originally set aside to reflect and remember the sacrifices men and women made during World War I. About 1953 it became Veteran’s Day to acknowledge the veterans of all wars and to thank them for their service.

But no matter which conflict our soldiers were in, they often return with “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder”; which is the current clinical term. I prefer the term “Soldier’s Heart” because it reminds me of the soul-wounding that happens in war.
In 1998, the total number of Vietnam veterans who committed suicide after returning to the US was over 100,000. The memorial in Washington DC would be three times its current length if all the names of our dead were included today.

What we don’t learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat. The Iraq Wars have not produced as many dead as other wars. But in 2007, CBS reported on the “Suicide Epidemic among Veterans” of the Iraq Wars stating that veterans’ aged 20-24 had the highest rate, and conservatively estimating 120 suicide per week in 2005 alone.
It is important for me to remember that it does not matter whether I was for or against the war. A spiritual being has no political party or agenda, only love. And it does not matter if I believe in the cause or logic of others. I must remember that these men and women are our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters; and are entitled to God’s love and therefore my love. Because of this love I can only give my whole hearted support to the process of helping to heal and welcome them home. It is my belief that we the people have a responsibility, by which I mean the ability to respond, to our veterans. To the returning veteran, let our leaders and people say “You did this in our name and because you were subject to our orders. Let us help. We will share this burden with you. We love and honor you. Welcome home.”

Without this sharing of responsibility, the veteran becomes the nation’s scapegoat and carries the nation’s grief and guilt for all of us. Keeping our distance from our veterans is how we dehumanize them.

I am not here to ask for money or for a moment of silence. For those who have passed have only silence left, and silence will not serve those who are still with us. I ask only for your thoughts of love to touch those in your life who are still there, that have come back, and remember those who did not. To them all say “thank you”. It is my hope that we begin to think about what we can do, as a community, to help bring peace to the hearts & minds of all veterans, and for us to help them find their way home.
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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Stop Trying

If only we'd stop trying to be happy we'd have a pretty good time.
Edith Wharton

If I hate where I am in life, and I hate what is going on in my life, developing a vision for more money and better toys may not necessarily address the issue in a way that will result in an abundant life. Instead, if I base my vision of life on a desire to feel connected, well, generous, and happy, my relationship to what is going on right now in life will become easier to accept--not because I have resigned myself to it, but because I see how everything is part of one awesome whole.

Instead of fighting life and trying to make it be something that it isn’t, I can start exactly where I am by looking for something in my life to appreciate. At the same time, I can practice imagining what it might feel like to be connected to all life, to feel well, to be generous, and to experience happiness.
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Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Power Within You

There is no way you can really begin to understand “spiritual economics,” or make it work in your life until you are free from the sense of God, “up there,” and on fire with the awareness of the Presence.
Eric Butterworth

Spiritual awakening begins with the awareness that we are not victims of random forces in the universe. In other words, there is no God up there deciding who prospers and who doesn’t. Prosperity begins with you. It begins in your mind. It starts as a vision of a better life and better circumstances. It flows outward from within.

God is not a power over you. It is a power in you. Its ideas lead to your prosperity. Its life runs through your veins. Its vision for your life rises up from within as intuition, hunches, and new ideas. Follow the best that’s in you and watch your life be transformed. Practice being aware of the presence of God and you will always live a prosperous life.
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Friday, November 7, 2008

A Vision of Happiness

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.
Denis Waitley

A vision is an idea, a picture of how you see yourself a little down the way. It’s not a picture of what is going on right now, but of how you might see your world and yourself in your world living prosperously. For example, try right now to imagine such a scene in which you are living prosperously. What is going on? How do you see yourself? Who is present?

Imagining what you want is important, and it can be fun. And there is something even more important to add to this vision: the feeling that goes with living a prosperous life. If you can imagine yourself with exactly what you want, ask yourself: What am I feeling in this imagined scene? What are my relationships to other people like? What do I love doing, and why?
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Ready for the crowds

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Ready for the reception

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Art Show Currently Displaying at CSLSR

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Thursday, November 6, 2008

President Elect B. H. OBAMA

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One Human Family 1 of 3

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From Monet

The richness I achieve comes from Nature, the source of my inspiration.
Claude Monet

Invest in your awareness! Give it your undivided attention. At least once a day, let your body be still and give your awareness an opportunity to slow down, refresh, and be quiet. Out of this practice, you may very well discover that there is a valuable resource of inspiration and wisdom just beyond the mental clutter of a busy mind. Simply sit still, and after a few moments of quiet, ask yourself (as if you were addressing a wise being), “What is there for me to know about my life today?” In the beginning, you may not hear or think anything particularly helpful.

But keep in mind that the practice is not necessarily about coming up with specific answers. It is more about investing time in your developing awareness of the tremendous wisdom that lives inside of you.
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Justice is Served

Two known criminals caught at last
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All Over the World

Compiled from the Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, McClatchy
Newspapers, The Associated Press and Chicago Tribune

From the cafes of Beirut to the town named Obama, Japan, much of the world
viewed Barack Obama's electoral triumph as a transformative event that could
repair the battered reputation of the United States, lift the aspirations of
minorities everywhere and renew the chances for diplomacy rather than war.

Huge numbers of foreigners and U.S. citizens abroad jammed venues for live
broadcasts of vote counting. In Rio de Janeiro, Ryan Steers, a 23-year-old
Brazilian documentary filmmaker, said that Obama could improve the United
States' image abroad.

"Obama is someone the world can trust," Steers said. "That is the most
important thing for American right now: regaining its trust in the world

For many, Obama's election came with an almost visceral sense of relief that
it signaled the beginning of the end for the administration of President
Bush, who has become extremely unpopular in much of the world.

A recent BBC poll found that people in all 22 nations the network surveyed
preferred Obama by a wide margin to McCain, who was widely identified with
Bush and the Republican Party.

"At a time when we have to confront immense challenges together, your
election raises great hopes in France, in Europe and in the rest of the
world," French President Nicolas Sarkozy said in a congratulations letter to

"As a black British woman, I can't believe that America has voted in a black
president," said Jackie Humphries, 49, a librarian who partied with 1,500
people at the U.S. Embassy in London Tuesday night.

"It makes me feel like there is a future that includes all of us," she said,
wrapping her arm around a life-size cardboard likeness of the new U.S.

"Americans overcame the racial divide and elected Obama because they wanted
the real thing: a candidate who spoke from the bottom of his heart," said
Terumi Hino, a photographer and painter in Tokyo. "I think this means the
United States can go back to being admired as the country of dreams."

In South Africa, Nelson Mandela, the civil rights icon who helped bring down
his country's apartheid regime, released a letter to Obama that said, "Your
victory has demonstrated that no person anywhere in the world should not
dare to dream of wanting to change the world for a better place."

Desmond Tutu, another iconic anti-apartheid leader and the retired Anglican
archbishop of Cape Town, said Obama's victory tells "people of color that
for them, the sky is the limit."

"We have a new spring in our walk and our shoulders are straighter," Tutu
said, echoing a commonly held sentiment across the continent.

The world sees Obama as more than a racial standard-bearer, of course, and
many praised Obama for his policies on everything from Iraq to health care,
which are known to the world in remarkable detail.

"I'm glad that a person who talks about change has won," Lech Walesa, the
former Polish president and anti-communist icon, said on Polish television
Wednesday. "Now I want to know what changes he wants to introduce."

In Mexico City, Mexicans say a focus on solving America's economic woes
would go a long way toward fixing their country's financial troubles, too.

Said Alejandro Orozco, 52, who sells passport binders outside the U.S.
embassy: "Any trouble that the U.S. has affects Mexico. If he can make that
better, we would be grateful."

Nicaragua's leftist leader Daniel Ortega is another who is celebrating
Obama's victory. "Really it's a miracle that the United States for the first
time in its history has a black president who has shown he is willing to
dialogue with Latin American countries and is open to reviewing free-trade
agreements," Ortega said Wednesday.

Many around the world found hope in Obama's international roots.

In Indonesia, where Obama lived as a child, hundreds of students at his
former elementary school erupted in cheers when he was declared the winner,
pouring into the courtyard where they hugged, danced in the rain and chanted
"Obama! Obama!"

"What an inspiration. He is the first truly global U.S. president the world
has ever had," said Pracha Kanjananont, a 29-year-old Thai sitting at a
Starbuck's in Bangkok.

Some said Obama's victory was a call to re-examine racial issues in their
own countries.

"The Maoris and the Pacific Islanders are going to take inspiration from
him," said Calum McKenzie, 34, speaking from the Mustang Saloon & Grill in
Auckland, New Zealand.

The campaign drew intense interest in the Middle East, where residents
gathered before dawn in cafes, bars and shops to watch the historic election

Even if they disagreed with his politics, Israelis and Palestinians, Sunni
and Shiite Muslims, Arabs and Jews all saw Obama's victory as a transforming
event for the United States and the world. There was broad belief that
Americans were embracing a new strategy for the region, one that relies on
diplomacy. Many saw that as a change for the better.

In a Beirut restaurant, Miriam, a 28-year-old from southern Lebanon, said
that her two brothers, both members of the militant Islamic group Hezbollah,
saw Obama as a leader who was willing to take diplomatic risks to avoid
military confrontations.

"They think Obama will not damage the Middle East the way Bush did, and they
were afraid if McCain made it, the whole region would be in danger," she

"For the first time I feel the phrase, 'I hereby declare that all men are
created equal,' from the U.S. Declaration of Independence, really came to
life for me today," said architect Mamdouh al-Sobaihi, a guest at a
post-election reception Wednesday in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. "U.S. history has
returned to its roots. The forefathers would be very pleased with today's
election," he said.

Saudi journalist Samir Saadi said that Obama's election means "the U.S. has
won the war on terror."

"Given Obama's name, his background, the doubts about his religion,
Americans still voted for him and this proved that America is a democracy,"
he said. "People here are starting to believe in the U.S. again."

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From a colleague

Perhaps because I've been in the political movement longer than the
spiritual movement, I was not surprised by the vote. The religious right is
a very well oiled political machine in this country and change takes time.
The ban in interracial marriages was not struck down by the Supreme Court
until 1967, although it hadn't been enforced in most places for many years.

Because I feared the ban would pass, I reminded my congregation last Sunday
that "States don't marry people, people marry people. We define ourselves
based on the understanding that we are whole, perfect, and complete.
Lesbians and gay men have been marrying and creating loving families for
years and years and we will continue to do so before and after the state of
California catches up. Our spiritual practice right now is to be vigilant
in staying free from 'less than' thinking."

Despite such a fine speech from the pulpit, I find myself
uncharacteristically saddened today. I want to be happy for this country
because we elected the first African American President, a man who has
vision, strength, the skills necessary to restore our integrity in the world
and at home. I find, however, that I'm really having to work hard to be as

happy emotionally as I am intellectually. It's one thing to suspect that a

majority of voters don't want me to be visible in my truth as a lesbian,
it's another thing to have it affirmed so firmly with folks throwing parties
(covered by TV crews) to celebrate my disenfranchisement.

Here's what I want from straight allies: A recognition that domestic
partnership marriages don't have the same package of rights as civil
marriages. Prop 8 is not about getting dressed up and having a party with
same sex figurines on a cake. It's about the significant number of rights
and privileges afforded me in a domestic partnership that are afforded folks
who can get married, not the least of which is access to family courts
regarding losing custody of jointly raised children. I have personally
taken such a case through three lower courts to the California Supreme court
only to be told that I had no legal standing since I wasn't legally married
to my daughter's birth mother. There are many other tax benefits on the
federal side afforded married people.

The recognition that this must hurt. Thank you, Kathy, for encouraging
congregations to reach out with compassion and comfort.

Here's what I don't want from my straight allies: language that suggests
this is: all in God's time, everything is purposeful, all is a result of
consciousness, or anything bordering on my remarks from the pulpit above. I
think they need to be said and I'm glad Kathy reminded those of us in
ecclesiastical positions of the Truth, but in our communities, stay with
compassion and give Truth some time and, when it's time, let a gay person in
your congregation say it.

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thanksgiving Eve 2007 1 of 3

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Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy -- because we will always want to have something else or something more.
Brother David Steindl-Rast

Where are you getting your images and ideas about living a prosperous life? Every day we are bombarded by millions of images of how we are supposed to live, look, eat, and think. Television, radio, and magazines project the items we are supposed to desire and the lives we are supposed to aspire to. What impact do you think these messages have on your prosperity awareness?

If you pay too much attention to media messages around you, from time to time you may find yourself having an idea of not being enough, needing to change, or having to get and own more.

A valuable prosperity practice is to imagine that you are being featured on prime time television as an example of a person who lives prosperously. What would your story be? What example from your life would inspire others to live prosperously? How would you advise others to develop an abundance awareness?
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Take Control of Your Destiny

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

And so it is

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No Happiness Without Action

Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
Benjamin Disraeli

Have you evaluated the effect that stress has on your abundance awareness? The faster the pace of life, the higher the stress level can be. Some people thrive on fast-paced living, and that’s fine. But if you race to the end of your day and get home with a sense of incompletion or nervousness, it might be time to look at ways to reduce pressure in your life.

I have noticed that I create a lot of my own stress by allowing my environment to dictate the pace and urgency I experience. This stress reduces my appreciation of the abundance and beauty around me. I have found that a regular assessment of all the tasks I “have to do” in a day helps me decide whether or not each of them is as urgent as I have allowed myself to believe. This simple act of slowing down has had the effect of creating more ease within me, and from that ease, I have the opportunity to appreciate life around me.
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Chris Michaels

Click here to view the embedded video.

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Monday, November 3, 2008

Train Yourself

We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same.
Anne Frank

Train yourself to include prosperity consciousness in your daily prayer or meditation. Try starting each day with a prayer to embrace and recognize the abundance of the universe around you.

Dress prosperously. In other words, take time to dress in a way that matches your feeling of being abundant. That could mean choosing clothing you really love wearing. When you look in the mirror, you want to feel good about what you see.

Train yourself to give 100% of your attention to what you are doing. The fourth agreement in Don Miguel Ruiz’s inspiring book, the Four Agreements, is Always Do Your Best. To me, that means training myself to be less distracted, less rushed, and more present in what I am doing.
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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Searching Searching

You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.
Albert Camus

People live prosperously at all levels of income because prosperity is not about money; it’s about freedom and love. Prosperity is about the freedom to express life in your particular way.

Prosperity is also about happiness, and happiness is about generosity of spirit.

Generosity of spirit happens, for example, when you give more than you can afford to a project you believe in, and you feel good about doing so. The gift does not leave you feeling diminished; it leaves you feeling expanded and good. Or, generosity of spirit is when you show up for others when it is inconvenient for you to do so. Or when you serve an organization or in a project knowing that it is unlikely that acknowledgement will happen.

That is what living a prosperous life is like. Having a generosity of spirit. Living with happiness and freedom.
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One Heart Choir

At the Interfaith Service: Live Equally, Love Equally
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
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Andrew and Bubbles

Wondering if all the clocks were changed
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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pure Happiness

I have now reigned about 50 years in victory or peace, beloved by my subjects, dreaded by my enemies, and respected by my allies. Riches and honors, power and pleasure, have waited on my call, nor does any earthly blessing appear to have been wanting to my felicity. In this situation, I have diligently numbered the days of pure and genuine happiness which have fallen to my lot. They amount to fourteen.
Abd Er-Rahman III of Spain, 960 C.E.

What does “living a prosperous life” mean to you? Does it mean having enough money? My observation is that having more money does not always create greater prosperity in life. There are plenty of people with lots of money who are happy, and there are plenty of unhappy people with lots of money. There are plenty of people with very little money who are not happy, and there are plenty of happy people who have very little money.

Perhaps the connection is between prosperity and happiness rather than between happiness and money.

To me, happiness depends on much more than having enough money. Living an abundant life is really about having happiness and freedom. And so an abundant life is not necessarily about the “quantity of things” I have. It’s probably more about quality of life I live.

You are the only person who can define what a “quality life” means to you. And your definition of a quality life may be different from every other definition you have ever heard on this planet.
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