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Saturday, August 30, 2008

From Steve Palmer

Good Morning! This Video was sent to me by Stephen E. PalmerProfessor of Psychology & Cognitive ScienceUniversity of California, Berkeley. I would be interested to know what you think about the Senator's speech. Regards, Edward Viljoen


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From Suzanne Sackett

...I write.


One of the fascinating things about vision is that it falls by definition ahead of the curve; thus, at first, it can sound unfamiliar and alien.
Consider this. Gandhi's notion of returning India to Indian rule by nonviolent action was initially perceived as eccentric, invalid and dangerous. Only after it worked did it become a heralded method of speaking truth to power.
Family and friends of the Wright Brothers ridiculed their insistence that a machine could –and would- fly. Their idea was thought to be dead wrong; yet how did it turn out? They were Wright.
And, centuries ago, Jesus' revelation that God is within us, not outside us, was considered false and heretical; in fact, it was held frightening enough to get him prosecuted and killed. Then, as now, a new vision doesn't land lightly on closed minds.

So when a young politician appears on our horizon carrying a fresh and transcendent approach to national and world affairs, how can we be surprised that there are loud, angry protests from minds rooted in unoriginal thoughts?

Obama, a man gifted with both brilliance and vision, is speaking out for governance by sanity rather than tribal rigidities. To those who cannot allow themselves to see the power of that concept, he is and will remain unacceptable.

Yet. Think how extraordinary and life-enhancing it could be if it turns out there are more of us who see his vision than those who don't.

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Friday, August 29, 2008


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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dennis Merritt Jones

Author, Speaker and Minister - he is speaking at the Center in 2009 - this is an extract from his latest enewsletter.

"A close friend I've known since we were both youngsters called me to announce that he and his long-time, live-in partner were going to call it quits and go their separate ways. "We just cause each other pain and sorrow. We are not good for each other and I have no love for her in my heart whatsoever," he declared. I remained silent and listened to his story regarding the latest dispute that triggered his decision—this time. After about three minutes, I reminded him that this was the exact same story I had heard many times in the past ten years so I was already intimately familiar with all the details. He chuckled, stopped talking, and took a deep breath and I knew he understood immediately that I was not trying to be intentionally cruel or unsupportive. I was simply calling him on his ongoing habit: an addiction to a toxic relationship.

In the past ten years, he and his partner had created a relationship where, as unfulfilling and painful as it had become, it was easier to stay in it, developing a tolerance and numbness to the toxic emotions each felt toward the other (and themselves) than to break the habit they had become to each other. This got me thinking about how we all are subject to developing habits that can become toxic and addictive if we are not conscious and aware of what we are creating. Staying stuck in a habit or addiction is the ultimate form of immediate gratification because the behavior creates a diversion which redirects the flow of creative life force away from our true feelings where we would be forced to deal with them and into mindless activities that often result in unproductive lifestyles, unhealthy bodies, and relationships filled with sadness, pain, and suffering. It does not have to be that way.

A part of us dies when any negative habit becomes a mindless activity, especially when we continue to do it because it's easier (or less painful) than leaning into the discomfort of change. In the process, we unconsciously become a little more numb to life. It's as if we are sending a very subtle message to the universe that we are not really interested in being fully engaged in being alive. Any negative habit is simply the creative energy of life seeking fullness of expression, albeit in a misguided manner. We lack the awareness that negative thoughts repeated over and over again, day after day, year after year become ingrained in our unconscious mind where they lay below our field of awareness taking on a life of their own. This is the fertile soil in which habits grow into addictions. It dose not necessarily have to be in the area of human relationships either: It could be with habits we have formed in our relationships with work, food, sex, or any other substance or behavior. Regardless of where it shows up in our lives, the energy that drives most negative habits and addictions is the need to avoid dealing with how we really feel about ourselves and life in the present moment. As an example: While some people may feel as dead in their job as my friend does in his relationship, in a strange way, it is safe and comfortable living in the security of conditions that don't demand change, growth, or risk in the present moment. Again, fertile soil for habit energy to establish itself in its many subtle ways.

Habits tend to suck us into unconscious living patterns and that is not how we were meant to live. You were not given life to be an unconscious helpless victim of your habits, nor were you meant to suffer and simply endure an unrewarding life. Each of us has the responsibility to be a fully conscious, continually evolving being, and to have dominion over our egoic mind rather than be enslaved by it. To be a fully conscious being means one has to make conscious choices. In other words, if you believe you are stuck in the energy of an undesirable habit, in order to set yourself free you first have to own the fact that you have actually given your power to the undesirable habit. At some point in time that was a choice you made. Perhaps now is the time to choose another way. You can choose to take your power back.

Where do you start? Waking up from the dream of powerlessness and remembering to remember the sacred being you really are is the first step. You are no less than pure potential having a variety of experiences in the human condition. Habit energy doesn't stand a chance when you think and act from the awareness of your connectedness to Life, Infinite Intelligence, the Universe, your Higher Power, God or whatever else you might choose to call it. Aligning with your true source of power will help dissolve the negative habit energy you may have developed over the years and set you free. How can this be so? Practicing the presence of Spirit in the present moment always sets you free from the past in much the same manner that the higher vibration of love sets you free from the lower vibration of fear, or the manner in which the radiance of light will set you free from the apparent bondage of darkness........."

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Jim and Dottie Cramer and I on the ferry taking us and about 40 Americans over to Isla Muljeres for one of the most memorable trips our group has done together. We spent time talking about concepts of life, death and imortality and we visited the mainland, climbed the pyramids and danced, snorkeled and fell in love with Mexico and each other.

After the hurricane Isla Mujeres was pretty badly shaken up. A lot of the pure white beach sand disapeared and hotels were damaged. I understand it is well on its way back to recovery.
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Old Animation Building on Mickey Ave

"The Animation Building, housing the Disney Artists and animators, was planned in the center of the lot. Across a small street were built the Inking and Painting and the Camera buildings, where the artwork was completed and photographed.

"Next to Camera, in the Cutting building, the post production process occurred. Sound facilities included dubbing, scoring, effects, and voice recording studios. Many of the buildings were linked together by an underground tunnel, so even in bad weather, the process of making animated films was not disrupted. To enhance the campus-like setting, all of the utilities were placed underground which was an innovation for 1940."
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The Dwarves

"In 1937, Disney's innovative first full length animated feature, SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS, was released to critical acclaim and worldwide success. In order to expand and meet the expectations of his audience, Walt saw a need to increase the size of his studio. With profits from SNOW WHITE, he made a deposit on 51 acres of land in Burbank and began designing a modern studio specifically for the purpose of making animated films.

"Walt was personally involved with all aspects of designing the studio. From the layout of the buildings to design of the animators' chairs, nothing was left to chance. His main concern was to produce a self-sufficient, state-of-the-art production factory that provided all the essential facilities for the entire production process."
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Disney Studios Burbank

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Walt Disney

"In 1937, Disney's innovative first full length animated feature, SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS, was released to critical acclaim and worldwide success. In order to expand and meet the expectations of his audience, Walt saw a need to increase the size of his studio. With profits from SNOW WHITE, he made a deposit on 51 acres of land in Burbank and began designing a modern studio specifically for the purpose of making animated films."
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Monday, August 25, 2008

September - Activating Service

Marisa Tonello has been a Trustee and Volunteer at the Center for Spiritual Living for ages. Not many folk know that she not only installed our phone and computer network wiring, but she donated a whole bunch of it and the hours to do it. Fortunately for us, Marisa put phone/network jacks into places we swore we would never ever need them.

Seva means selfless services. Marisa must then be a Sevite? Georgett and Jerry invented that word. Someone pointed out to me that there can't ever be such a thing as self-less service because there is only one self and whatever we do we ultimately do for ourselves anyway - even if we call it service-t0-another. Interesting. There is a difference in flavor between service that demands recognition and service that has no demand. Guess which one I like better

Marisa's birthday was on August 21 - you can frequently find here outside the Center cleaning it up.
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Sunday, August 24, 2008

When Everything is OK

extracted from a sermon by the Reverend Richard R. Davis, UUCS
March 4, 2007

" I cannot tell you how often I have fallen into this particular trap, but I can assure you, the number is embarrassingly high. I am speaking of the trap I call “when everything will be OK.” It goes like this: I will get a bit anxious or worried about something in my life, and I think to myself, “When this thing gets cleared up, when this matter is settled, when I get past this ordeal or clear this hurdle or save this amount of money do this or do that – when that is over and done with, then everything will be OK.”

" It’s a seductive trap because it usually has a grain of truth in it. Sometimes things actually do get better – you get that degree, that job, that mate, you safely make it to retirement with health and finances intact or you raise your children or you survive that frightening medical operation. And it’s good to have positive anticipations, especially if life is dealing you a bad hand in the present. If you’re in the midst of hard times, I hope things do get better for you – and they can. But it’s also true that everything in life is never going to be OK according to your personal needs and desires. There will never come a time when you do not face some rather daunting prospects in life. Even if you save lots of money, exercise and eat right, make friends with everybody and have no enemies, and you do everything you can to line up all your ducks in a row, there is no guarantee that some life crisis will not come along and knock them all down. In fact, life comes with a guarantee that this will happen. Sure, we’re better at protecting ourselves than any generation in history, and we’re healthier and live longer, thank goodness. But still, you can’t completely move beyond human limitations and enter into some godlike realm where you have complete control and absolute certainty and security. "

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008


This photo was taken on the day before I did my father's memorial service in South Africa. I was one year into growing my hair for that hair donation program thingy and the stress of traveling out suddenly and the memorial probably contributed to the large blister on my mouth. Hardly the idea situation to face all those relatives and cousins I hadn't seen in a million years - but life is so curiously humerous that way, just when I want to make a good impression - oh wait, ooops, I forgot, it wasn't all about me anyway! er... blush.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Board Meeting

Jennifer Mann, Kathy Stewart and in the background is an old friend, do you recognize her?

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Motor Cycles

I had fallen off of motor cycles enough in my youth to not want to take this one for any kind of test drive, but the owner insisted and I drove it around the parking lot at the Center. It was great. Most fun was the hair which at the end of the parking lot drive had been cramped into the helmet and was a sight.

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Meaning Of ImmortalityScience of Mind by E.S. Holmes (1926 Text, Gender Neutral Update)

To the average person, immortality means that human beings persist after the experience of physical death, retaining a full recollection of themselves and the ability to recognize others. If their full capacities go with them beyond the grave, they must be able to think consciously; to reason, will, affirm, declare, accept, reject, know and be known, communicate and be communicated with.

They must be able to travel about, see and be seen, understand and be understood; they must be able to touch, taste, smell, hear, cognize and realize. In fact, if human beings are to continue as self conscious personalities, they can do so only to the degree that they maintain a continuous stream of consciousness and self knowledge.Remembrance alone contains the link that binds one event to another, making life a constant stream of self-conscious expression.

To suppose that human beings can forget and still remain themselves is to suppose that they could cut off their entire pasts and be the same personalities as a moment ago. Only memory can guarantee personality. Individuality might remain without it, but not personality.What we are is the result of what we have been, the result of what has gone before.

Human beings, then, if they are to have an immortality worthy of the name, must continue -- as they now are -- beyond the grave. Death cannot rob them of anything if they are immortal.
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President Kennedy's Inaugural Speech Exerpt

Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, reverend clergy, fellow citizens, we observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom—symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning—signifying renewal, as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago.
The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe—the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.
We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.
This much we pledge—and more.
To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do—for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.
To those new States whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom—and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.
To those peoples in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required—not because the Communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge—to convert our good words into good deeds—in a new alliance for progress—to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. Let all our neighbors know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in the Americas. And let every other power know that this Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house.
To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support—to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective—to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak—and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.
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45th Anniversary Dinner Dance

Bob Hart and Jan Davis enjoy a photo moment at the 45th Anniversary Dinner Dance for the Center for Spiritual Living, held in the new Sanctuary – If I remember correctly we had not yet completed the floor at the time, not that it stopped us in the least from dancing and dressing up.

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Friday, August 15, 2008

Ernest Again

"Every thought of not being wanted, or of being afraid; every thought of uncertainty and doubt is cast out of my mind. I rely on God alone, in whom I live, moved and have my being. A sense of happiness, peace and certainty flows through my being. I have confidence in myself because I have confidence in God. I am sure of myself because I’m sure of God."
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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Better Still...

"Better indeed is knowledge than mechanical practice. Better than knowledge is meditation. But better still is surrender of attachment to results, because there follows immediate peace."
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William and Maggie avoid the photo shoot

But I got them
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I totally love California
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Alicia and Lori Get Married

Really! Santa Rosa Court
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Way of Love

"Still your mind in me, still your intellect in me, and without doubt you will be united with me forever. If you cannot still your mind in me, learn to do so through the regular practice of meditation. If you lack the will for such self-discipline, engage yourself in my work, for selfless service can lead you at last to complete fullfilment. If you are unable to do even this, surrender yourself to me, disciplining yourself and renouncing the results of all your actions."
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sri Krishna to Prince Arjuna

"It is extremely difficult to obtain the vision y ou have had; even the gods long always to see me in this aspect. Neither knowledge of the Vedas, nor austerity, nor charity, nor sacrifice can bring the vision you have seen. But through unfailing devotion, Arjuna, you can know me, see me, and attain union with me. Whoever makes me the supreme goal of all his work and acts wihtout selfish attachment, who devotes himself to me completely and is free from il will for any creature, enters into me."
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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Toni Hodenfield, Bookstore Manager - Working (?)

Oh yeah, they’re really working hard!

Uh huh.

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Dear Pondering Spiritual Warrior,

I am not sure that we are to expect peace anywhere.

I am doubtful about all expectations. Waiting for what is not here yet seems to be a buggy program at best. Ha! I’m not even sure about the reliability of my definitions of what a certain thing is or isn’t.

At best I seem to be looking through a tunnel of social conditioning, compounded race-thought and inherited stuff to the point that I wonder about the meaning of every little thing. I wonder about “meaning” itself. And purpose. Does beauty have a purpose or meaning? And I wonder if everything I see is all-there-is to see or even if seen, exists.

And I notice there is more than one version of the story of being. In the version of the story that is about wars between nations and people and survival and justice – there are accompanying rules for each of the scenes – social rules and laws and agreements and consequence for keeping them or not keeping them. And there are other versions of the story, like the one you touched on briefly, the story of the sort-of endless dance-drama in which the energies of individual life lines are playing out on each other, perfectly balancing fates and futures and pasts – attracting this and repelling that in some kind of monstrous/beautiful drama.

But in these stories (and still other countless versions) who is the designer?

Who designed them and for what purpose? Who/what made it so that a society should emerge and agreements arise? What kind of design is it that insists lives must be balanced out with various attractions and repulsions that unfold like inevitable fates?

I’ve often wondered about Jesus’ statement “Behold the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” I see how that may be understood to be a comment about the immanence of something that apparently folk around him were missing. I was reminded of that comment when visiting Varanasi in December last year, when the Guru at the Ashram I stayed at told me that the “real” city of Varanasi exists on another plain. Imminent, but missed apparently by folk who are caught up in the filth and shock and color and smell and life stories of suffering, survival, enlightenment, and so on. While at exactly the same place and the same time is where the doorway between worlds lies wide open and divinity is present – and present to some people in such a shocking abundance that they are intoxicated and dismayed and ecstatic – even while they continue one arm in this world and another in some other world...

At what I think is one of the most important climax scenes in the Gita – and I apologize in advance to true Gita scholars for my surface knowledge of the scripture – the Prince pleads with God to have a vision of Him, to really SEE how things are. God says that it is impossible for the Prince to see It All with human eyes and that it would be necessary to grant the Prince eyes-divine to see beyond the veil in to the imminence of the all-pervading Presence of what God is. And when the Prince receives this vision he sees something that is both ecstatic and terrifying, beautiful and horrible, placid and chaotic and finally he can’t take it any longer and asks for his former vision to be restored in which he sees God and Creation in their more friendly form as a human being in a chariot on the brink of a massive battle. In the middle of seeing the vision, however, God says some startling things to the Prince; for example, He says that the Prince should not labor under the delusion that if he decides not to go ahead with the war that it will in any way whatsoever alter the nature of Being.

Oh, by the way, I know my body seems to be violent in this version of the story. Still I aspire to peaceful behavior as much as possible. To the point, I hope, where my peace will be the better part of my being. Maybe when that is achieved then violence disappears and is no longer necessary – but that brings back in to the conversation that pesky little “purpose” thing.

Most helpful has been Byron Kate who says, “All war belongs on paper” when she is teaching people to examine the war in their own thinking.

I’m not sure I said anything.

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Dear Anonymous Spiritual Warrior,

Ah, thank you for your comment. I don't know how to answer your questions but I was stimulated to think about my relationship with self-defense and aggression through my growing up.

When I was a little fellow growing up in school was tough on me. I was a delicate child with slightly more talent and smarts than the average kid in my class. I was tall quickly, and thin and reed like and gentle and kind. The boys in my class didn't appreciate me. They beat me up regularly. They would whisper threats to me in class endlessly telling me what they were going to do to me at the break. Then they did exactly what they had threatened.

I loved school and because violence wasn't in my nature I tried to imagine they would get tired and go away. I was afraid of them. They didn't go away. Not until one day, surrounded by a whole group of them I heard one laughingly say to his buddy "Look how scared he is!" and I knew they were never going to go away because they were "on to me" I was very scared. I made the decision in the moment: I punched the main man on the nose and that was the end of it. They never bothered me again. Well not that group at least. Others did. Teasing carried on and whispered threats, but it bothered me less and less.

As I grew older and fell in love with spirituality more and more I began to feel sadness about that I had used violence to put an end to violence. I became attracted to ideas about non violence and gentleness and decided to never again commit an act of violence. Then one day in my late teens I was confronted with a terrible soul searching moment. I watched an African man get beaten savagely for the mistake of getting onto the wrong color train and I did nothing. It happened so fast and was so brutal that the only intervention I could imagine would have been to jump on in and physically stop the violence. I was frozen in shock and in terror.

I haven't ever forgotten that moment or the unanswered question of what is right to do and to what degree a person should or shouldn't defend themselves and others. I became a vegetarian and struggled with the knowledge I learned in science classes that our bodies are
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Before and After at Asilomar

Here are photographs fresh from Pacific Grove, Asilomar Conference Center where our Summer Conference is taking place. Our bookstore, steppingstones bookstore, is hosting the bookstore for the event and Toni Hodenfield is down there with a truck, Stephen Sanderson and Jennifer Mann, and perhaps a few other folk to set up and sell books. Rev. Joyce, Rev. Kim and Rev. Maggie are also there, that I know of, and probably tons more folk, and maybe they will send more pics. These pics were sent by Jennifer Mann.
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Monday, August 4, 2008


At the time of the Iron Curtain Crisis, Ernest Holmes wrote: “The world is perhaps at the point of the greatest crisis in all human history, and there seems to be two attitudes we can assume. One is calmness, faith and conviction; the other would be despair. And despair is unthinkable. Let each, in his/her own way; dedicate his time, his services, his hope and his spiritual conviction to the common cause of liberty and justice for all. And let us work without tiring and pray without ceasing.”

He urged us, to form the habit of taking definite time each day to pray for peace, of taking definite time each day to know and meditate on the thought – affirming it with complete acceptance – that leaders everywhere are being guided by the all sustaining wisdom and power of Good. He also urged us to daily pray for the peace of our own minds so that we did not become confused in our own thought about all that is going on.

But he didn’t stop there. Following quickly on that urgent recommendation to develop a daily spiritual practice, he told us what even more ancient teachers have told us, that “Faith without works is dead,” reminding us that not only should we pray, but that we should act also -- every one of us -- so that the activities of our lives are daily contributing something to peace for the purpose of preserving life everywhere.

Now what is the action you should do? Perhaps Vote? Take an interest in what your children learn about peace? Make your voice and desire known to local governance? I don’t know. That’s not my business to tell anyone what to do. Today there is all kind of available information and help from individuals more expert in civic activities than I am. I only want to emphasize that without the “act” part ….well…..

Here is another wonderful point Ernest Makes. “For if the whole nation works together and prays together, a great moral and spiritual power, an actual soul force, will penetrate the whole world, helping to bring confidence and calm judgment until the crisis shall have passed.”

Now that right there is what I would call our hope and our salvation: the thought that we might someday unite in prayer to make a difference. As a nation it seems somewhat out of reach. It is even challenging to think that metaphysicians might unite to do something like that. But oh, the excitement to think of what might be possible if we were to put aside differences and pray together daily, encouraging our people to do so with us, until there was an irresistible spiritual urge towards peace and cooperation emanating from each of the cities in which we live…

What do you think?
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Here's where I work out!

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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Be Persistent

From - How to Change Your Life” by Ernest Holmes.

Even if this process does not seem to mean much the first day or so, keep at it. It involves changing your whole way of life and it requires reeducating your body, your emotions, your intellect and your spiritual outlook. Be fair to yourself. Keep on doing it!

Plant deeply in your mind these four basic ideas:

1. You are completely surrounded by and are part of Universal Mind. Mind penetrates your very being; It is what you are.

2. This Mind is always creative, manifesting what you think and believe, as form or as some experience.

3. Universal Mind answers to your mind. Mind creates for you according to the pattern you make for It by your thoughts of good or not-so-good. Your task, therefore, is to maintain only positive, uplifting, harmonious thoughts.

4. Because of this, you can choose to remain in good health, or to be healed if you are now ill. In the same manner, you may choose and bring into your experience any other good condition.

To declare yourself into good health is one of the greatest blessings you could ever enjoy. The simple explanations given here are intended to start you on the way to such declarations, because you can now begin to understand what is needed to bring about healing.
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Friday, August 1, 2008

Fully Inducted

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Right Fresh

Here the are just the moment before they take their vows!

See more at :

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Idea For You to Use Now

The following simple procedure, practiced daily in a persistent, happy and expectant manner, will soon produce a good effect upon your [wellbeing]:

Night and morning, try to set apart a time in which to be quiet, to commune with your real self. This becomes the period in which you clarify your mental atmosphere. Be as relaxed physically as you can, but neither the position you occupy, the chair in which you sit, nor the room has anything to do with the real work you are doing. Merely see to it that there is no physical discomfort while you attempt to direct your thinking.

Now that some of the bodily tension, which is the bane of our anxious way of living, has been released, say with conviction and feeling:

I am strong and free through
the Action of God in me.
I am well and successful in everything I do.

Repeat this until you feel the thrill of it all through you. It is a wonderful tonic. After that….have a quiet prayer time in which you do not ask for things or conditions, but name them, accept them as already belonging to you, and give thanks for them. This whole procedure will take about twenty minutes. But will it be worthwhile? You would not start on a day’s trip in your car without an adequate supply of gas and oil, would you? Why start out on your day’s work without getting yourself properly supplied, physically, emotionally and spiritually?

A feeling of complete well-being will diffuse through you at the conclusion of this quiet time. See if you can keep this high consciousness all day.
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